& Self
8 years ago
I’ve been reading, hearing, witnessing a lot of discussion regarding the thinking, wishing, hoping involved with ripping off the band-aid to leave your well-worn path (job, relationship, home), whatever that is. Some people dream about quitting their job every day, … Read more
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9 years ago
Recently, I’ve been privileged to find myself at several spas for massages, water treatments, relaxation, reflection, etc. These experiences encouraged me to reflect: how do I really feel when I’m at the spa? What I realized is that under the immense … Read more
9 years ago
I love to dance. Always have. Always will. My first real purchase after I received my first real paycheck was season tickets to the Houston Ballet. Dance is a part of my soul. Adulthood had relegated dance to a small corner of my life – the occasional Mardi Gras ball, girl’s night out, and bachelorette party in Vegas. Well, not anymore. Today, I purchased my first pair of adult ballet shoes. Scheduled a class, and am going to start dancing again. Life is short. Pursue your passions. They are what bring joy to your soul. … Read More
10 years ago
2015! I can’t even believe it. How are you going to welcome in the New Year? and more importantly, how are you going to maximize the opportunities? love? experiences? adventures? challenges? and zest for life? I always take time to journal about the year that … Read more
10 years ago
I came across this amazing site today. These photos brought tears to my eyes, and are proof that we are moving closer to love. Please take the time to click the link, look at the photos and share on social media.
10 years ago
Bobby Klein is a friend and scholar. His weekly I Ching reading is one of the tools I use to plan my week, set goals, and monitor situations. I invite you to sign up for the emails, as they are informative and enlightening. There is a link to his site on this post, … Read more
10 years ago
A friend once said this to me: “Be Still.” At the time, I had NO idea what she was talking about. I was so busy rushing around in my very busy tax lawyer life, that I didn’t even have a minute to stop and process her phrase. Years later, not only … Read more
10 years ago
This is my gorgeous godson, who brings so much joy into my life. One of my yearly goals is to spend time with people under the age of 5. Why? because they are pure joy, pure love, pure creativity, pure honesty, and pure curiosity. I find that after I spend time … Read more
10 years ago
We all have a calling. A reason for being here. For some of us, that calling is clear; we came out of the womb know what it is. For others, that path wasn’t as simple. We’ve had to work, strive and surrender to find it. If you’ve found your … Read more
10 years ago
Notice this post is in the “Spirit & Self” section. That’s on purpose. Because sometimes the best way to take care of yourself, is with your friends. My friendships mean the world to me, and the women I consider my best friends, have helped … Read more
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