8 years ago
I’ve been reading, hearing, witnessing a lot of discussion regarding the thinking, wishing, hoping involved with ripping off the band-aid to leave your well-worn path (job, relationship, home), whatever that is. Some people dream about quitting their job every day, … Read more
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10 years ago
Notice this post is in the “Spirit & Self” section. That’s on purpose. Because sometimes the best way to take care of yourself, is with your friends. My friendships mean the world to me, and the women I consider my best friends, have helped … Read more
10 years ago
“…before a dream is realized, the Soul of the World tests everything that was learned along the way. It does this not because it is evil, but so that we can, in addition to realizing our dreams, master the lessons we’ve learned as we’ve … Read more
10 years ago
Travel is my therapy. Why? because I feel so free when I travel. My mind is free from the routine. My body is free from familiar surroundings, and my soul is free to wonder, to explore, and to breathe. Traveling doesn’t have to be far, wide, or expensive. You … Read more
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