& Intellect
5 years ago
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Samira Anne Salman

Founder & CEO at Salman Solutions-Business Advisory • Founder & Lifestyle Architect at Samira's Table™ • Senior Advisor at Think Global Institute

Linkedin Profile Salman Solutions Website
8 years ago
In my workout class last week, the circuit included depth jumps. This involves jumping up onto a series of sequentially higher boxes, ending with the last box, which is 32” high. The instructor’s disclaimer: “if you don’t feel comfortable with any of the boxes, … Read more
8 years ago
ACG New York’s recent Family Office-focused event brought together a variety of experiences to share insights on today’s family office By Zoë Bodzas (New York) ACG New York recently hosted an afternoon of networking and panel discussion focused on effective … Read more
8 years ago
What makes a successful entrepreneur? At a recent event hosted by Deals and Divas, CEOs discussed their experiences building their businesses and the lessons they learned in the process.   Julie dePontbriand, ShopVenture Kari Saitowitz, The Fhitting Room … Read more
9 years ago
2016 FREE BUSINESS BOOT CAMP Business BootCamp Application Hosted By Forbes 30 Under 30 Entrepreneur-Christine Souffrant Date: Saturday, July 30, 2016 Time: 8am-5pm 8am-9am Registration (Purchase breakfast on site) 9:00-9:15 am- Opening Remarks & Orientation by … Read more
9 years ago
DEALS AND DIVAS Deals and Divas is a leading provider of networking events, educational forums and social activities for women in the “deal” space.  We are made up of inspirational and aspirational women who are entrepreneurs, seasoned business owners, … Read more
9 years ago
Thomson Reuters is pleased to announce the return of our Women’s Transformative Leadership Forum: Empowerment by Improving Participation and Representation on March 8-9, 2016 in New York City. Coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8, this highlight … Read more
9 years ago
I am thrilled to be an instructor at the LSU Law Center during Apprenticeship Week which is held January 4-8, 2016. Throughout this week, master lawyers and judges will teach LSU Law upperclass students in small enrollment, hands-on mini-courses. Each mini-course … Read more
9 years ago
“Entrepreneurship” is a popular buzzword and although we’ve all thrown it out there in various contexts, it’s important to understand what it really means. We are thrilled and honored to have entrepreneur Samira Salman joining us on November 11th for an interactive … Read more
9 years ago
Join Ladies NYC and entrepreneur, Samira Salman, for an inspirational, informative and interactive talk on how to achieve success as an entrepreneur. Samira will cover topics such as tips and tricks for success, how to overcome roadblocks and find happiness. Bring … Read more
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