8 years ago
In my workout class last week, the circuit included depth jumps. This involves jumping up onto a series of sequentially higher boxes, ending with the last box, which is 32” high. The instructor’s disclaimer: “if you don’t feel comfortable with any of the boxes, … Read more
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9 years ago
DEALS AND DIVAS Deals and Divas is a leading provider of networking events, educational forums and social activities for women in the “deal” space.  We are made up of inspirational and aspirational women who are entrepreneurs, seasoned business owners, … Read more
9 years ago
Thomson Reuters is pleased to announce the return of our Women’s Transformative Leadership Forum: Empowerment by Improving Participation and Representation on March 8-9, 2016 in New York City. Coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8, this highlight … Read more
9 years ago
“Entrepreneurship” is a popular buzzword and although we’ve all thrown it out there in various contexts, it’s important to understand what it really means. We are thrilled and honored to have entrepreneur Samira Salman joining us on November 11th for an interactive … Read more
9 years ago
Presented by The Negotiation Institute, the 2015 WIN Summit brings together experts from around the world to share tested strategies and diverse perspectives on gender equality in the business world and how women in the workplace can harness their strengths, … Read more
10 years ago
“Men and women also reported unequal compensation.Across all industries, 19 percent of employed men said they will make a starting salary of $90,000 or more, compared to 4 percent of employed women. A plurality of women entering the technology or engineering … Read more
10 years ago
Companies that have female directors out perform those that only have men. A Credit Suisse report found that, overall, companies with a market cap greater than US$ 10 billion that have at least one woman on the board of directors outperformed those that had no … Read more
10 years ago
Think Global Institute is a 16-week community-focused business institute for women entrepreneurs in the growth-phase. We are accepting applications now from women business owners looking for hands-on advising, customized solutions and an expanded network of … Read more
10 years ago
The power of supporting women entrepreneurs in the growth stage. Startups have a lot of support, but what happens when you start to make money and grow? Entrepreneurship can be lonely! There is power in expanding your network and surrounding yourself with … Read more
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