& Culture
10 years ago
One of my favorite travel tips for packing like a pro is to roll your clothes. Simple. Easy. Effective. It saves space, and prevents them from getting wrinkled. For delicate fabrics, place a piece of tissue paper or a dry cleaning bag (eco-friendly preferred) on … Read more
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10 years ago
I don’t do jet lag. Here are my tips: The minute you arrive at the airport, turn your watch on whatever time zone you are going to, and start acting like that. If its the nighttime there, then be as quiet and restful as possible, and start eating all your … Read more
10 years ago
How gorgeous is this painting? I was walking in NYC the other day, and I just passed it. It was so stunning that I had to stop and snap a photo. Then I stood there for a minute and thought to myself: Wow! what a blessing to see such a gorgeous painting, on the side … Read more
10 years ago
You would think this post would be in the “Food & Drink” section, right? But, it’s not. It’s in “Travel & Culture”, on purpose. Because in my world, certain foods exude certain cultures. I am 1/2 Lebanese. My Lebanese … Read more
10 years ago
I am often asked: How do I benefit from all my travel. The answer: I receive signs. Traveling allows me to see the world in a different way, and to notice, envision and create, in a way I can never do in my home. So, traveling, for me, is a way to see the signs. … Read more
10 years ago
Don’t you just love this photo? I spent 2.5 weeks in Chicago this Summer. It had been years since I traveled there. Well, I forgot how much I enjoy the city. It has a magic all its own, difficult to describe, but easy to feel. I am definitely adding it into … Read more
10 years ago
I love discovering markets when I travel. It doesn’t matter what kind of market: food markets, clothing markets, art markets, spice markets. What I love about it is the collection of similar items from stall to stall. I like the variety combined with the … Read more
10 years ago
How cool is this photo? It was at the Sharq Village & Spa in Doha, Qatar. I remember thinking what a creative way to use spices, so the decorations integrate with the food, and vice versa. What are creative ways you’ve seen food used as art? decorations?
10 years ago
Jazz Fest in New Orleans, Louisiana is one of my favorite events of all time. I try to attend every year, and am blessed I have dear friends who live in walking distance. One year we left the festival and were walking back to their house on historic Bayou St. John, … Read more
10 years ago
This is one of my favorite travel photos. Why? because it so perfectly captures the nook in this restaurant. It’s a pictorial depiction of cozy. It’s so important to find places that are comfortable, cozy and relaxing when you travel. Living outside … Read more
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