women entrepreneurs
8 years ago
In my workout class last week, the circuit included depth jumps. This involves jumping up onto a series of sequentially higher boxes, ending with the last box, which is 32” high. The instructor’s disclaimer: “if you don’t feel comfortable with any of the boxes, … Read more
icon  #AskSamira
9 years ago
Join Ladies NYC and entrepreneur, Samira Salman, for an inspirational, informative and interactive talk on how to achieve success as an entrepreneur. Samira will cover topics such as tips and tricks for success, how to overcome roadblocks and find happiness. Bring … Read more
10 years ago
Think Global Institute is a 16-week community-focused business institute for women entrepreneurs in the growth-phase. We are accepting applications now from women business owners looking for hands-on advising, customized solutions and an expanded network of … Read more
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