8 years ago
I’ve been reading, hearing, witnessing a lot of discussion regarding the thinking, wishing, hoping involved with ripping off the band-aid to leave your well-worn path (job, relationship, home), whatever that is. Some people dream about quitting their job every day, … Read more
icon  #AskSamira
10 years ago
10 years ago
This is something that you have to experience to understand. Many people think yoga is about stretching, and touching your toes. It’s actually quite the opposite, it’s about figuring out how to push past your limits, to open, and to achieve. Want to … Read more
10 years ago
I use a Jade Harmony Professional 3/16-Inch Yoga Mat – Purple. Always purple. I LOVE my yoga mat. Yes, I said LOVE. You see, my mat, has been with me through thick and thin. I have been using the same mat for 7 years, ever since I started my first business. I am on my second generation of said mat. … Read More
10 years ago
I am asked this question, a lot: WHAT do I do to stay balanced? At peace? and to accomplish my massive To Do list? The answer is simple. I engage in 4 daily practices. Religiously. Now, let’s be realistic, I don’t do each one, everyday. But, I ground … Read more
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