10 years ago
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10 years ago
This title is true. Your health, your vitality, the way you feel, and the way you look is all dependent on HOW you fuel your body, and what daily choices you make. You have the chance to make a choice each and every time you put something into your mouth. So try to … Read more
10 years ago
This is one of the most important points to realize when starting any health, wellness or fitness routine. Each day is a new day. Your goal should be to do the best you can each day. Try to make healthier choices, get more rest, drink more water, eat more … Read more
10 years ago
The title says it all. I cannot praise green drinks enough, so you’ll see a ton of them here on Samira’s Table. Recipes will be coming soon. Have you tried green drinks? What do you think? Please let me know in the comments. The one pictured above … Read more
10 years ago
This CRACKS me up. Because it’s true. Working out, and finding a healthy fitness routine isn’t rocket science. Watching TV? Do 25 squats during each commercial. Don’t have time to workout everyday? Lace up your tennis shoes and walk for 30 minutes … Read more
10 years ago
I realize this title is simple. So, I invite you to this challenge: FOR 30 DAYS: try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, and drink 90oz. of water each day. Then, message me and tell me how you feel. I promise you will feel MUCH better, from night to day.
10 years ago
Baby steps. Literally. Take the stairs, walk to see your colleague instead of sending an email. Do 25 jumping jacks or squats, each time you return from the restroom. You’ve heard many of these before, right? So, I’m here to tell you, it works. You have … Read more
10 years ago
The answer to this question is a list of practices, mindsets, and activities, that when combined, provide me the right amount of balance – to indulge, enjoy, maintain, and cleanse. We’ll explore these throughout the course of this website. And yes, at … Read more
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