10 years ago

We all have a calling. A reason for being here. For some of us, that calling is clear; we came out of the womb know what it is. For others, that path wasn’t as simple. We’ve had to work, strive and surrender to find it. If you’ve found your calling, BRAVO! I’m thrilled for you, and would LOVE to hear when and how you found it. Please add your thoughts in the comments. For those of us who are on the extended learning plan, I too would love to hear your thoughts, frustrations, question, etc. regarding “What Should I Be When I Grow Up?” It took me 32 years to discover I wasn’t fulfilling my life’s purpose, another 1.5 years to alter my path, and 7 years since then STILL trying to navigate, strategize, vision, release and surrender my true soul’s calling. There is a reason we often see the phrase “Life’s a Journey, Not a Destination”. Because, it is. What are you doing to honor your soul’s calling? and how can we at Samira’s Table help? Let’s get this discussion started, and share ideas, insight and inspiration.

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