10 years ago
- Always charge for your expertise, not your time (from my friend and mentor, Armand Shapiro). Your time is limited, so the amount you charge will always be limited. Your expertise is infinite and can be applied in a wide variety of circumstances, and to different compensation structures.
- You are your most important client (from my friend Simone Maher). If you don’t take care of yourself, and be your best you, then you can’t show up 100% to take care of your clients. So you must put your health, wellness and balance needs first. Schedule your workouts, doctor appointments, and “me” time first, then work your clients around it. Yes, I know this is very contrary to popular belief, but try it, it works.
- Worry about Samira. That’s right. Only worry about me, and what I can do, be, have, create, achieve, and control. Nothing else matters. And time spent on other things is a total waste. Because they are out of my control, and therefore do not have a direct benefit or detriment to me.