I have a weekly checklist of items I must accomplish for my work. These are items that keep my business going. Each and every day. The checklist is saved as a template on my computer. Each week I edit the dates and print out a new one. You can keep yours electronically. I just like to physically check things off. I’ve edited and honed my list over the years. And now it works for me. I invite you to use this list as a guide, and create your own. Whatever works for you, and your business. The point is to make a generic, template list, that you can customize and adapt to your current client/project situations. On my daily checklist:
- ACT – Review my Top 3 business goals, which are (1) consulting, (2) speaking/writing, and (3) influencer/lifestyle brand, and execute 1 task for each.
- CONNECT – send 3 emails to people I want to get in touch with, or stay in touch with. These can be friends, colleagues, clients, mentors, alliances. It doesn’t matter. Just make the effort to connect.
- CONNECT – post 5 pieces of valuable content on my social media accounts. This one varies day by day. There are no rules, rhyme or reason for what and where I post. I just post when I’m inspired, when I feel invited to share.
- LEARN – read 1-3 articles regarding a pertinent business topic. Right now I’m reading about social media, brand building, business development, women in business and happiness, self love.
- MEANINGFUL WORK – this one I adopted from the fabulous Brene Brown, Daring Greatly. Guidepost #9 for Whole Hearted Living: Cultivating Meaningful Work: Letting Go of Self-Doubt and “Supposed To”
- We all have gifts and talents. When we cultivate those gifts and talents and share them with the world, we create a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives. Squandering our gifts brings distress into our lives. When we don’t use our talents to cultivate meaningful work, we struggle. We feel disconnected and weighed down by feelings of emptiness, frustration, resentment, shame, disappointment, fear, and even grief. Sharing our gifts and talents with the world is the most powerful source of connection with God. Using our gifts and talents to create meaningful work takes a tremendous amount of commitment, because in many cases the meaningful work is not what pays the bills. No one can define what is meaningful for us. Like our gifts and talents, meaning is unique to each one of us.
- I put this on my daily checklist, mainly to remember to let go of “Supposed To”. Some days, I think I am “supposed to” work on Project A, but I keep thinking about Project B. It’s not that hard. Now, I just focus on Project B. I work on what I am inspired to work on. The work always gets done on time. It always has, it always will. What’s important is that I do the work with joy and a sense of purpose.
- ORGANIZE/ORDER – clean out inboxes, voicemails, texts. This one is important and helps me stay “on top of” my game. I take a few times each day to check all my email and social media inboxes, my voice mailboxes, my texts, messengers, etc. and respond, delete, archive as necessary.